Until recently, the great folly of Republican presidents lay in their Supreme Court picks. The Federalist Society's picks have been a huge game changer. They're one of the great conservative success stories. Justice Kennedy's retirement will remedy a great historical error by turning a swing vote into a conservative vote. And hopefully reshape the Supreme Court for another generation.
Never Trumpers repeatedly told us that it would be no great loss if Hillary were elected. George Will has been howling that Republicans have to lose the Senate.
Imagine if the recent Supreme Court cases had been decided by a Hillary appointed justice (and no, it wouldn't have been Merrick Garland). Now imagine the difference that two, or even three justices, will make for generations. Whatever happens in the next election, the appointment of two conservative justices will have an impact across the decades.
The Supreme Court has the ability to make or break the Constitution. And as Federal judges have turned sharply to the left, attempting to overrule President Trump on every matter, great or small, the role of the Court has also become to check judicial activism and maintain the checks and balances of government.
All of this is yet another reminder that you cannot be a conservative and cheer Hillary Clinton or a Democrat Senate.