L’Informale very kindly chose to do an interview with me in which I addressed a number of questions. I just want to excerpt a brief portion of that interview to comment on it further.
On the 14th of May, the American embassy was moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. At the main time, Hamas, tried to breach the border fence which divides Israel from Gaza. There where 62 casualties among Palestinians. 52 of them, we later learned, belonged to Hamas. Almost all the media blamed Israel for having defended its borders from jihadi terrorists. How perverse is the West infatuation with those who want to destroy it?
The West isn’t infatuated with its own destroyers, but those on the left who want to destroy the West are. Because they have a common cause. They are not aware of it generally or think of it in those terms, but they instinctively ally with civilization destroyers over builders.
My answer was on the brief side. There's only so much that anyone wants to read in an interview. But the destructive common cause of anti-civilizational forces is an important theme.
From Stalin's alliance with Hitler, to the alliance between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Western left, differences in the specificity of their totalitarian ideologies are papered over by their common ends. And their common end comes down to seeking an end to us.
They both view the West, the birth of freedom, individualism, productivity, as tragic historical mistakes to be remedied by imposing their perfect ideology on us. They may disagree what that perfect ideology is. But they agree that we are living in 'sin' and that our way of life must end for their way of life to begin.