This New York Magazine article is making the rounds. I'm not going to bother linking to it because it's not worth the time to even fisk. It argues that conservatives have no credible or non-hateful views and ideological diversity should mean leftists debating the speed of socialism.
The more significant part is that New York Mag chose to run this thing.
I'm not surprised that they agree with it. That's obviously the dominant view in the media. The only surprising thing is that they said it out loud.
The left believes certain things that it avoids saying out loud. Like all guns should be confiscated, most traditional religion should be outlawed and the Constitution should be abolished. Its members don't all believe these things. That's why they aren't said out loud. Instead they're mile markers. The ultimate outcomes of the left's ideas. But it tends to deny those outcomes.
It doesn't want to ban guns. It wants common sense gun control. It doesn't want to impeach Trump, just see where the facts lead.
That sort of thing.
The left doesn't believe in ideological diversity. And even debates among leftists are invariably squashed once the radicals take power. But to the extent that it believes in the exchange of ideas, those strictly exist on the left. And that is how the left's cultural and academic institutions operate. Again, it just doesn't usually say these things out loud.
But lately the left has proven surprisingly willing to spell out things that it would normally deny.
The media used Trump's win to invent a crisis and launch a major censorship campaign against individuals and rival media outlets on the right. But it claimed to believe in a free speech. This is a useful little reminder of how close to the edge it's getting.