We look at other societies sometimes and are baffled by their crazy beliefs.
Why do the North Koreans worship a short, fat bald guy as their Communist deity? Why do Muslims think that virgins in paradise will be waiting for them if they kill infidels? Why were the Nazis convinced that a short dark-haired syphilitic embodied the Aryan master race? Why did the inhabitants of Easter Island bankrupt themselves building a bunch of giant stone heads?
But, these days our country is incomprehensibly crazy. Or at least the media outlets, cultural, political and corporation organizations are run by a crazy identity politics cult. That no one else understands.
PROM pic.twitter.com/gsJ0LtsCmP
— Keziah (@daumkeziah) April 22, 2018
To pull back for a moment, a teenage girl posted a picture of her prom dress which had a Chinese design. Since the left's thought police are constantly hunting for thought crimes, some idiot fastened on the dress and began shouting, "cultural appropriation". Thousands of other insane lefties joined in. So did Twitter, which made the attacks on her into one of its Moments.
Because Twitter is officially committed to bullying teen girls who offend political correctness.
Meanwhile people in China, whose culture the left is "protecting" from being appropriated by a teenage girl in America, are completely baffled by the Communist dictatorship we're living under.
Keziah Daum, an 18-year-old from Utah in the United States, who has no Chinese roots, was accused of “cultural appropriation” after posting photographs on Twitter that featured her in a traditional Chinese qipao, or cheongsam.
She was not aware of the dress’ history before buying it at a vintage shop in Salt Lake City, she said in an email, but “simply found a beautiful, modest gown and chose to wear it”.
“One person commented it represented female empowerment,” she wrote. “If that is the case, then it is a wonderful message for any young woman my age to learn, regardless of culture and background.
But those commenting in mainland China were less opposed to Daum’s dress.
“Very elegant and beautiful! Really don’t understand the people who are against her, they are wrong!” one person commented on an article by Wenxue City News. “I suggest the Chinese government, state television or fashion company invite her to China to display her cheongsam!”
“It is not cultural theft,” another wrote. “It is cultural appreciation and cultural respect.”
Most of the world doesn't understand this crazy leftist cult of identity politics. And is completely baffled by it. It makes no sense. It can't be explained. It's a Maoist cultural revolution whose only purpose is to politically terrorize people.
That used to be China. Sadly, until we have another revolution, it's America.