One social theory of humor is that it's sublimated aggression.
Instead of punching Pete in the face, you make a joke at his expense. As society becomes more civilized, the joke grows more toothless. But as society approaches barbarism, the joke grows nastier and the aggression is more apparent.
That's Michelle Wolf's routine in a nutshell.
It's the product of the incestuous entertainment-political complex of the Daily Show where political hostility was thinly cloaked in humor. In Wolf's routine, the humor was mainly gone. All that was left was the hatred.
And that's a good thing.
It's bad for our society. But if we have to live with leftist cultural dominance, then having them revert to atavistic political rage pulls away the cloak of coolness. I much prefer honest hatred like Wolf's than Colbert's cutesy glee club routine or Stewart's pretenses of being Diogenes.
No pretenses. No social formalities. Just hatred.
That's what Michelle offered. And in doing so, she forced the media to own its own vileness.
The media wouldn't have been awkwardly apologizing for Colbert. But Wolf spoke to their leftist id, but not their PR ego. And it reminded most of the country how much the left hates them.