There's not much to say about the Alfie Evans case that wasn't already said about the Charlie Gard case. Both children are/were murdered by a medical system where euthanasia is not only a cost-saving measure, but also a measure of the authority of the system. In both cases, Alfie and Charlie had to be prevented from seeking treatment outside the NHS to make a point about defying authority.
There have been other such cases. Some involving babies. Others involving disabled adults.
As the left ramps up its talk of "free everything", it's a useful reminder that nothing is free.
Free people don't get free stuff. Slaves do. Free health care means that you are the property of the state. Free health care for your children means that they are the property of the state.
When you accept freebies, you eventuality lose the ability to determine the terms on which you receive them.
You aren't really getting anything. A determination has been made that you will or won't receive them. And you have no say in that.
When you let the system take care of you, you belong to the system.
It really is a cookbook.