On the plus side, the Women's March has finally changed the conversation away from its support for Louis Farrakhan and his anti-Semitism.
"The shutting down of #Backpage is an absolute crisis for sex workers who rely on the site to safely get in touch with clients. Sex workers rights are women’s rights," the Women's March tweeted.
Backpage had been shut down by the DOJ for allegedly facilitating sex trafficking. The new feminism of the Women's March had reduced "women's rights" to the right to be trafficked and then prostituted.
It almost makes Tamika Mallory's Farrakhan fandom look progressive.
But despite the criticism, the Women's March kept doubling down with retweets supporting its bizarre agenda. Including this near parody of intersectionality, "Listen to Black sex workers ! We support everyone’s ability to work! Sex work is work. Sex workers deserve to work free from violence (especially at the hands of the state) and should be provided the resources and tools needed to make their own decisions."
And, "For Women’s History Month, Jezebel and The Root are partnering for JezeRoot, a series that focuses on women of color, domestic workers and sex workers."
I'm sure women of color are happy to be linked to "sex workers".
The only obvious conclusion is that official "feminism" becomes increasingly hostile to women as it is taken over by the radical left which supports Islamic supremacism, gender erasure and prostitution.
This is what feminism looks like today. And it's as hostile to women as the causes that it supports.