The left loses its mind every hour and you can watch the madness live on CNN or MSNBC. But sometimes it really is worried. This is one of those times.
Today, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced that a question on citizenship status will be reinstated to the 2020 decennial census questionnaire to help enforce the Voting Rights Act (VRA). Secretary Ross’s decision follows a request by the Department of Justice (DOJ) to add a question on citizenship status to the 2020 decennial census.
The citizenship question will be the same as the one that is asked on the yearly American Community Survey (ACS). Citizenship questions have also been included on prior decennial censuses. Between 1820 and 1950, almost every decennial census asked a question on citizenship in some form. Today, surveys of sample populations, such as the Current Population Survey and the ACS, continue to ask a question on citizenship.
On December 12, 2017, DOJ requested that the Census Bureau reinstate a citizenship question on the decennial census to provide census block level citizenship voting age population (CVAP) data that is not currently available from government surveys. DOJ and the courts use CVAP data for the enforcement of Section 2 of the VRA, which protects minority voting rights.
Of course the data also provides all sorts of useful information. And it will help expose voter fraud and make a mockery of some Dem districts which have plenty of residents, but few citizens.
There's one subject that the left fears above all others. And this is it.
Unlike the reflexive ideological stuff, the Muslim travel ban, most social issues, this actually hits at the heart of their entire political infrastructure. It's why they're worried. Very worried.
California's California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and Holder are threatening to sue.
“The addition of a citizenship question to the census questionnaire is a direct attack on our representative democracy,“ Holder squealed.
That's the exact opposite of what it is. It's the Dem system that is an attack on our representative democracy.
But there are plenty of recent examples of Federal judges misbehaving. So I'm sure the gang will find some Obama judge to declare that a census can't ask about citizenship. Sure that sounds crazy, but we've got judges deciding that the President doesn't control immigration policy, can't suspend an illegal unilateral amnesty or block people on Twitter.
And yet this is the Achilles heel.
The entire system that the left uses to rule us is based on fraud. Behind the curtain is a naked emperor clothed only in fraud and lies.