Channel: The Point
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CNN: We Keep Shouting About Gun Control But No One Cares


But... but we have crying child soldiers. And symbolic pageantry that could only have been conceived off by entertainment industry hacks. Why won't you burn the Bill of Rights? Why?

You've gotta sympathize with CNN. They've been working harder on this than that missing airliner, Global Warming or Bigfoot. Where's the payoff?

(CNN)In the aftermath of the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, the public's support for stricter gun laws shot up to levels not seen in 25 years.

If you tell people that something needs to be done about the color green, and run constant scare stories about it, support for banning purple will rise in polls. But people won't actually care. They're just repeating back what the media tells them.

An echo is not a priority.

In the face of this public outcry and with many voters telling pollsters it's going to be an important or major factor for them in the upcoming midterm elections, the Republican-led Congress and the Republican President have done very little to enact stricter gun control.

How dare they not believe the pollsters?

Even as the majority of Americans disapprove of the job the President has done handling gun policy, his approval rating has not fallen in the wake of Parkland shooting. 

Parse that sentence. I dare you.

The shooting occurred on February 14. Looking at the average of all polls and adjusting for whether the pollster normally has results that are more or less favorable to the President, Trump's approval rating in the month before the murders at Parkland (i.e. January) was 40%. In the first full calendar month after Parkland (i.e. March), his approval rating is actually a point higher at 41%. That 41% is also a point above the average for his entire presidency of 40%.

The President's approval rating over February and March of 2018 are the highest they've been in a very long time. In no month in the second half of 2017 did his approval rating ever top 40% for a month. He's now done it for two consecutive months (including February, during which the massacre at Parkland occurred)...

Congressional Republicans too have seen no decline in their ratings. Although they still trail on the generic congressional ballot, an average of all surveys in March puts the Republican deficit at 8 percentage points. That's the same as it was in February and in January. All of which are equal to the long-term average since the beginning of the Trump presidency. All of which are also better than where Republicans were in December when they trailed by 11 percentage points on the generic congressional ballot.

It's like your entire life's work is worthless.The Mueller conspiracy theories. Stormy. Gun control. North Korea freakouts. All the millions spent on the March, all the propaganda, and you've gotten nowhere with actual Americans. (Major lefty corporations like Citibank and Walmart are another matter.)

People care about jobs. They care about the bottom line. Your ideology ain't it.

Now let's more about how that airliner was swallowed by a black hole. Maybe we'll pay attention.

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