It's a curious thing.
The UAE was the first to turn on the Muslim Brotherhood. It squared off with Qatar, the terror state that is the Brotherhood's biggest backer. Qatar owns Al Jazeera, is allied with Iran and has a great deal of influence on our foreign policy.
Obama Inc's policy of backing Muslim Brotherhood coups in the region put it at odds with the UAE and in line with Qatar. Some of Obama's eavesdropping of Trump allies took place under the guise of monitoring their contacts with the UAE.
Now Mueller Inc. appears to be pursuing the UAE on behalf of Qatar. That puts it in line with the Muslim Brotherhood. And the investigation in line with its agenda of pursuing Obama's agenda by other means.
In just the past few days, we've seen The Intercept, a site funded by a Persian billionaire, go after Team Trump, using Qatari materials. We've seen the New York Times, going the same route. And now Muller Inc. is apparently waging the Muslim Brotherhood's war.