Katrina vanden Heuvel, the alphabet's cruelest mistake, a very wealthy woman whose father served at the UN under Jimmy Carter and then held directorships at Time Warner and the US Banknote corporation, has endorsed Bernie Sanders, via her little magazine known as The Nation.
Once a liberal stalwart publication, The Nation is now a place where Katrina vanden Heuvel's husband airs his pro-Putin views. Aside from that, it's a time capsule of liberal pundits from the Clinton era who couldn't make the transition to the Obama years.
Because of that The Nation gets noticed these days mainly for its pro-Putin stuff. Katrina vanden Heuvel was called out for it on MSNBC. But finally The Nation made headlines for something non-USSR related. Endorsing a Socialist for president.
"The Editors" of The Nation have endorsed Bernie Sanders. Which really is the only thing that a publication forever running low on money while catering to the left-wing crowd could really do.
If Bernie Sanders had any ethics, he would turn down an endorsement from the woman who justified Putin's invasions of Georgia and Ukraine, and the publication that engaged in Cambodian genocide denial and claimed that Hugo Chavez wasn't authoritarian enough.
But we know by now that Bernie Sanders has no ethics and no dignity. He'll take whatever he can get, wherever he can get it.