Bill Nye, a former standup comedian and host of a kiddie TV show, who once earned a BS in Mechanical Engineering, has finally been banished from speaking for "science".
A blog post on Scientific American made it officially official. "Bill Nye Does Not Speak for Us and He Does Not Speak for Science".
How does one speak for science anyway? How does one speak on behalf of a methodology of assembling knowledge? You know it's scientism, not science, when "science" becomes something you represent, instead of do.
But anyway, which of Bill Nye's crimes against science occasioned this rebuke from the lofty Tumblr blogs of Scientific American?
Was it the time he confused the Arctic and the Antarctic? The time he blamed whatever random weather event was in the news on Global Warming and blamed Jews for anti-Semitism? The whole Warming skeptics should die thing?
Nah, it's the Scientific American. Committing crimes against "science" means blaspheming the left's little tin god of identity politics and personal malice. More specifically, Bill Nye got Republican cooties.
Tonight, Bill Nye “The Science Guy” will accompany Republican Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK), Trump’s nominee for NASA Administrator, to the State of the Union address. Nye has said that he’s accompanying the Congressman to help promote space exploration...
Republican cooties!
As scientists, we cannot stand by while Nye lends our community’s credibility to a man who would undermine the United States’ most prominent science agency.
I thought he already had a chat with Barack Obama.
And we cannot stand by while Nye uses his public persona as a science entertainer to support an administration that is expressly xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic, racist, ableist, and anti-science.
Notice how science comes last.
Scientists are people, and in today’s society, it is impossible to separate science at major agencies like NASA from other pressing issues like racism, bigotry, and misogyny.
We can't distinguish the measurements of planetary orbits from our petty politics. And our obsessive need to call everyone else names.
Bill Nye has chosen to excuse Rep. Bridenstine’s anti-science record and his stance on civil rights, and to implicitly support a stance that would diminish the agency’s work studying our own planet and its changing climate. Exploring other worlds and studying other planets, while dismissing the overwhelming scientific evidence of climate change and its damage to our own planet isn’t just dangerous, it’s foolish and self-defeating.
A science hater says what?
Other planets are nice and stuff... but we need socialism on this planet right now.
Further, from his position of privilege and public popularity, Bill Nye is acting on the scientific community’s behalf, but without our approval.
Bill Nye isn't a scientist. I doubt very much that whoever is responsible for this Tumblr blog post on the SA site is either.
No number of shiny new satellites can undo the racist policies that make our Dreamer colleagues live in fear and prevent immigrants from pursuing scientific careers in the United States. And no new mission to the Moon can make our LGBTQ colleagues feel welcome at an agency run by someone who votes against their civil rights.
Yes, these people hate science and space exploration. Even while they accuse rational people of hating science for disagreeing with their anti-science politically correct rants.
Remember, the left is always guilty of the things it accuses you of.
He should use his celebrity to elevate the importance of science in NASA’s mission—not waste the opportunity to lobby for space exploration at a cost to everything else.
Because space exploration... isn't science.
Nye’s TV persona has perpetuated the harmful stereotype that scientists are nerdy, combative white men in lab coats
Sorry Bill, you had your uses. But now you're the wrong race and sex. Your existence perpetuates harmful stereotypes. You must be purged.
a stereotype that does not comport with our lived experience as women in STEM.
Lived experience is one of those scientific intersectional terms from science haters.
Bill Nye does not speak for us or for the members of the scientific community who have to protect not only the integrity of their research, but also their basic right to do science.
Who is "us" exactly? This thing is only listed as 500 Women in Science.
Did 500 women write this? Did anyone? Maybe a self-aware machine trying to make us dumber in time for the inevitable takeover did. It's a much more cheerful explanation than the growing infiltration of left-wing anti-science activists into science.
The only good news is that, as Bill Nye has discovered, the left's revolutions eat their own children.