Nothing we're saying is news to anyone who comes from these places.
People in Haiti are not under the impression that they're living in a place that's better than America. Or that its problems are purely coincidental. It's only American lefties who get all worked up over it. The President of Uganda certainly isn't in denial.
Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni on Tuesday hailed Donald Trump for speaking "frankly" to Africans, after the US president unleashed a storm by reportedly describing African nations as "sh*thole countries."
"I love Trump because he speaks to Africans frankly. I don't know if he was misquoted or whatever. He talks about Africans' weaknesses frankly," Museveni said in the capital Kampala to members of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA).
No stranger to controversy, on Monday he described Uganda as a "pre-industrial society" and said he regretted removing the death sentence, saying the move had been "a recipe for chaos".
This isn't an endorsement of Museveni, but frankly some frank talk is long overdue. Diplomacy is overall a good thing. And that comes with discretion. But at some point, enough is really enough.
It's time to be honest about what's going on. Because when we fail to be honest, that leaves the door open for the left's conspiracy theories. It means we have to suffer through another lecture about absurd topics like global wealth inequality. Because if there's nothing wrong with places like Uganda, something must be wrong with us.
Most of these country have major self-inflicted problems. We didn't create them. And while we can help out, sometimes straight talk is far more helpful than crooked subsidies.