It's a bare majority. But it's a majority.
Despite all the media's hard work, once people actually tried to figure out why the shutdown happened, they found out that it was because the Democrats insisted on legalizing illegal aliens. The poll numbers began to turn against them. And Schumer folded.
The latest poll has more bad news for the Dems.
About 4 in 10 people, or 39 percent, think Democrats in Congress are responsible for the shutdown, which began early Saturday morning after Senate Democrats, citing insufficient progress on negotiations over the fate of young immigrants covered by the DACA program, withheld their support for a deal.
A similar share, 38 percent, blamed Trump for the shutdown. Just under 2 in 10 (18 percent) said Republicans in Congress were to blame. Taken together, however, the poll shows that a slight majority of Americans — 56 percent — blame the president and his party.
Except that really those 18 percent at least have some general idea of what's going on. While the other 38 percent are just in permanent Trump Derangement Syndrome.
And that's another problem for the press.
Trump isn't on the ballot in the midterm elections. And so the media needed to demonize House and Senate Republicans. But the obsessive coverage of Trump drowns all that out. Most of the left is too obsessed with Trump to bother howling about Senator Tom Cotton.