Another reminder that the left's Jewish contingent exists to say the anti-Semitic stuff that the left wants to hear but that it knows would be too racist for it to outright say. That's where Clayton Bigsby types like Bernie Sanders really come in handy. Because it can't be anti-Semitic if there's a Jewish shield out front.
So you can have imaginary journalist Seymour Hersh going on Amy Goodman to discuss how Bernie Sanders is going to liberate America from Jewish money.
"This is something, I guess, you know, forbidden—a forbidden statement. But he’s the first Democrat since I’ve been watching politics... But anyway, it’s the first Democrat that I can remember that actually did not have to go to the Jewish community in New York to get money to run. And that’s something amazing."
Frankly, how is this different than what you would hear from David Duke? It's not. This is classic anti-Semitism. The fact that leftists of Jewish origin make it safe to say doesn't change that.
As the Labour crackup in the UK reminds us, the left is a fundamentally anti-Semitic movement. Its Jews are useful for saying the kinds of anti-Semitic stuff that a Ken Livingstone gets in trouble for saying.