Obama's pro-Iran policies dealt a swift blow to the Green Revolution.
While Obama backed the Muslim Brotherhood's Arab Spring, he gave the Islamic regime in Iran a blank check for suppressing the protests. And the regime brutally suppressed the protests. Once it was clear that America would do nothing.
Now, as an American president has made it clear that Iran's free ride is over, the protests have begun again. That's not a coincidence. It isn't random chance.
Totalitarian regimes, whether it's the USSR, Cuba or Iran, take the world's temperature. Political dissidents take heart when the government they oppose is in disfavor. And the regimes feel confident about brutally suppressing uprisings when they sense that the world will turn a blind eye.
There's a long history of that sort of thing, whether it's Nazi Germany or Communist China.
The Iran protests may ultimately fail, but it is no coincidence that they have returned in force after the fall of the leftist regime that aided and abetted their tormentors.