A few days ago, I walked out into a Chicago winter with a wind chill cold enough to freeze Rahm Emanuel's heart. Right now the snow keeps piling up outside. The RealFeel temperature is allegedly 11 below.
So it's time to argue Global Warming.
Of course the Warmunists had long ago shifted over to Climate Change. That's convenient because the climate is always changing. And so it makes a perfect first cause and circular argument. Whatever the weather is, hot, cold or mild, Climate Change caused it. If you use plastic bags, you're destroying the planet. If you have the heat on, you're dooming Al Gore's mansion.
Climate Change is typical pseudoscience because it can never be disproven. There's no amount of research or evidence that could convince its believers that it's wrong. The same leftists who yell, "Why do you hate science", have an emotional ideological attachment to the idea.
The idea is a human generated apocalypse caused by unregulated consumerism and industry that remains unchecked by centralized government. The apocalypse has existed in various incarnations. It's a typical example of how leftist politics functions as a social religion with its own apocalypses brought on by capitalism.
Windows can crack and sharks can freeze. Most of the states can suffer freezing temperatures. And that proves that Global Warming is a bigger threat than ever.
Recycle or Mother Nature will unleash her furious wrath.