It's a good first step.
There are a lot of UN agreements we ought to be dumping. But as migrants become a greater threat to the survival of the free world, this one is certainly worthleaving behind.
The United States has informed the United Nations that it will no longer participate in the Global Compact on Migration.
In 2016, the 193 members of the U.N. General Assembly unanimously adopted a non-binding political declaration, the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, pledging to uphold the rights of refugees, help them resettle and ensure they have access to education and jobs.
And the right to bomb, stab and run down Americans and Europeans in the streets of their cities.
The U.S. mission to the U.N. said in a statement Saturday that the declaration “contains numerous provisions that are inconsistent with U.S. immigration and refugee policies and the Trump Administration’s immigration principles.”
The good guys won this argument. The bad guys lost.
The U.S. president’s decision to pull out of the negotiations highlighted the enduring influence of Stephen Miller, the 32-year-old senior White House policy advisor who has championed the Trump administration’s effort to sharply restrict immigration to the United States. In recent weeks, Miller led efforts to pull out of the migration talks.
The administration’s top national security advisers met early last week to determine whether the United States would participate in the talks.
This is the view in our rearview mirror.
President Donald Trump has decided to boycott a global conference on migration scheduled to begin Monday in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico,.. the Mexican government is scheduled Monday to host a three-day meeting to take stock of negotiations on a pact to ensure a more humane approach
And more American taxpayer money in the pockets of Mexico's corrupt regime. As well as more control over our political system,
Former U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon hosted an international summit on migration and refugees in Sept. 2016 in the hope of establishing a set of guidelines for the international effort. The so-called The New York declaration that came out of that meeting was endorsed by the Obama administration.
The declaration included a set of commitments designed to ensure the protection of migrants’ human rights, enhance international border security cooperation, and dissuade governments from detaining immigrant children. The pact also outlined a blueprint for an international treaty, or compact, that would be concluded by the U.N. General Assembly in late 2018.
Doesn't look like that one's happening.
America wins, the UN loses.