1. The origins of the Bernie Sanders campaign actually began as a stealth campaign to get Elizabeth Warren to run. Warren did not run. Bernie Sanders was the leftover meatloaf that the left had to settle for after Warren proved too cowardly to take on Hillary Clinton.
2. At no point in time did Elizabeth Warren ever endorse Bernie Sanders. Including when he desperately needed her to in Massachusetts. But with a complete lack of dignity, Bernie Sanders is trying to keep his campaign alive by teasing his fanatical left-wing supporters with Elizabeth Warren.
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders alluded to possible vice presidential picks Tuesday, even floating liberal darling Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren as a potential running mate.
Sure. Send Bernie more money and you can have V.P. Warren. You guys loved "You didn't build that". Right?
This is just really sad and pathetic. Warren couldn't be paid to pay attention to Bernie's antics. (Well she probably could be.) Bernie is touting her because he's just wildly pushing all the left's buttons to stay in his campaign. That means everything from bashing Israel to promising them Elizabeth Warren. Meanwhile the left is burning money on a campaign as dead as Bernie's economic ideology.