This whole free country thing certainly seems outrageous to me. Write your congressman. Ask him why this is a free country and what you can do to help change that.
Guns were not the only items for sale at a gun show in the Agricenter over the weekend. Customers also had a chance to buy t-shirts that were offensive to certain religions and races.
Well one religion at any rate.
"What can possibly 9-11 teach everybody about Muslims? If you think all you have to know about Islam is what happened on 9-11, you're in for a rude awakening,” a man, who identified himself only as Sam, told FOX13.
It seems more like 9-11 was the rude awakening. Also what it can teach you about Islam is really obvious to a historian or anyone at a gun show.
Sam took pictures of a number of insensitive shirts at the gun show. One read “Everything I ever needed to know about Islam I learned on 9/11”
Insensitive shirts at a gun show? Were they "triggering"?
"It’s almost like that's the ring. (Gun shows are) where you get to do it,” Sam said. “There's no rules. No guards. No nothing. You can say what you want and it’s a free country. You're entitled to your own opinion."
You can say whatever you want and it's a free country? In America?
Crazy, right?