Just the sort of "Bimbo eruptions" that the Clintons needed suppressed.
A recent New Yorker piece about Harvey Weinstein's efforts to suppress the story we now all know from emerging mentions a certain lawyer and law firm.
In some cases, the investigative effort was run through Weinstein’s lawyers, including David Boies, a celebrated attorney who represented Al Gore in the 2000 Presidential-election dispute and argued for marriage equality before the U.S. Supreme Court. Boies personally signed the contract directing Black Cube to attempt to uncover information that would stop the publication of a Times story about Weinstein’s abuses, while his firm was also representing the Times, including in a libel case.
Boies confirmed that his firm contracted with and paid two of the agencies and that investigators from one of them sent him reports, which were then passed on to Weinstein. He said that he did not select the firms or direct the investigators’ work. He also denied that the work regarding the Times story represented a conflict of interest. Boies said that his firm’s involvement with the investigators was a mistake. “We should not have been contracting with and paying investigators that we did not select and direct,” he told me. “At the time, it seemed a reasonable accommodation for a client, but it was not thought through, and that was my mistake. It was a mistake at the time.”
On October 28, 2016, Boies’s law firm, Boies Schiller Flexner, wired to Black Cube the first hundred thousand dollars, toward what would ultimately be a six-hundred-thousand-dollar invoice.
Boies is best known for representing the Gore part of Bush v. Gore. That woud be the Supreme Court case over the election. And his political leanings won't surprise you.
Despite the pneumonia diagnosis, Clinton attended a $100,000-per-ticket fundraiser at the home of prominent attorneys Mary and David Boies in Armonk, New York on Saturday night.
And the firm in question is known as an outpost for Clinton people.
Ann O’Leary, a lawyer who would almost certainly have become Clinton’s domestic policy advisor in the White House, has joined the law firm of Boies Shiller in San Francisco. Co-founded by David Boies, who represented Al Gore in the 2000 recount, the law firm has become an outpost for Clinton people.
Is it really any surprise that Clinton allies used a Clinton allied law firm to do their dirty work?