Bernie Sanders kept bashing Israel and lost the Jewish vote by a mile in New York. Considering that he badly lost black and Latino voters and marginally won the white vote, he needed a bigger chunk of the latter to compensate for the former. Instead he kept bashing Israel, appointed anti-Israel activist Simone Zimmerman as his head of Jewish outreach and lost Jewish areas badly.
So instead of learning a lesson, he's still doubling down on bashing the Jewish State.
Sanders said that poverty in the worst areas of Baltimore rivaled conditions in "The West Bank in Palestine,""North Korea," and "distressed cities in Nigeria, India, China, and South Africa."
"Poverty in Baltimore, and around this country, is a death sentence," Sanders said.
No, poverty is not a death sentence. Neglectful families and gang violence, which overlap poverty in certain urban areas, are a death sentence.
"Two [neighborhoods] have a higher infant mortality rate than the West Bank in Palestine... Baltimore teenagers between the ages of fifteen and nineteen face poorer health conditions and a worse economic outlook than those in distressed cities in Nigeria, India, China and South Africa."
The West Bank and Baltimore do have one thing in common, they're both welfare states. But the interestingly ugly thing about his mantra of Bernie's, is that he is now echoing Ferguson = Palestine rhetoric meant to mobilize black activists to attack Israel. I don't know if he knows what he's doing or if the radical activists around him are handfeeding him this stuff, but it shows just how vile his campaign has become.