It's a serious problem when majorities of college students are unfamiliar with the constitution except as a document created by racist white men. But those students grow up. And then one day they're running the DNC.
Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez incorrectly stated "the Electoral College is not a creation of the Constitution" during a Tuesday night speech.
"The Electoral College is not a creation of the Constitution," Perez said during a lecture at Indiana University Law School. "It doesn’t have to be there."
Want to guess how many law students knew he was wrong? I wouldn't be too optimistic.
In his prior jobs, Perez's degree of ignorance would have been a disgrace. But he's in charge of the DNC. The DNC's big prize is the Electoral College. And that means Perez ought to know something about it. And the most basic thing to know about it is its origin. And he doesn't even know that.
Perez's skills appear to be shouting obscenities to energize the base and occasionally feuding or collaborating with the former Nation of Islam bigot who is there as the representative of the Bernie Sanders wing of the Dems. Nothing in there covers the Constitution.
But here's a chunk of his bio. At no time in this march through the system, was he introduced to the Constitution.
Perez is a graduate of Brown University, Harvard Law School and the John F. Kennedy School of Government. He worked as a law clerk for the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado before serving in the Department of Justice from 1989 to 1995, where he worked as a federal prosecutor, and as Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights under Attorney General Janet Reno.... Perez was appointed by Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley to serve as Secretary of the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation in January 2007, until his October 2009 confirmation by the United States Senate as Assistant Attorney General.
You can graduate from Harvard Law and be a top official at the DOJ and then head the DNC without actually knowing the Constitution. This is what the left has brought to America.