Obama's mismanagement of Iraq is now moving into its second phase.
His neglect of Iraq turned over Baghdad and the central government into an Iranian Shiite proxy. That drove the Kurds toward independence and the Sunnis toward ISIS.
Obama allied with Iran's Shiite puppets in Baghdad to take on ISIS. Meanwhile the terror bosses in Iran got billions in smuggled money, countless more billions in sanctions relief, and a blank check for its nuclear program.
The tanks and other weapons that America sent to the puppet regime in Baghdad either ended up going to ISIS or the Shiite fighters. And now the latter are using our weapons and training to attack the Kurds.
The establishment folks who control foreign policy, like Secretary of State Tillerson, are predictably backing Baghdad over the Kurds. Which really means they're backing Iran.
The same outrage that was stirred up when the Saudis were bombing Iran's Shiite puppets in Yemen is notably absent. And that ought to tell you how much influence the Iran Lobby, notably Obama's Goebbels, Ben Rhodes, still wields over the media.
But if nothing else, this should be a warning to stop arming the terror proxies of Shiite and Sunni Islam. And that means no more weapons and equipment for Iraq and Lebanon. If we're not going to do the right thing, at least let's not actively arm our enemies.