Every time there's a shooting the media and the rest of the left subject us to the hard sell for gun control. It doesn't matter whether the guns were bought legally or illegally, whether the shooter had a clean or dirty background, whether he got his weapons at a gun show or found them in a hole in the ground. It didn't matter if he was a Muslim terrorist. The solution is always gun control.
And if you don't agree, then you have "blood on your hands".
Blood on your hands is the big lefty talking point after the Vegas shooting. The killer hadn't been in trouble with the law, but if you don't support the latest background check gimmick, you have blood on your hands.
Meanwhile no matter how many times Islamic terrorists kill people, it's never acceptable to reduce migration from Islamic countries.
The 2nd amendment needs to be tossed on the scrapheap after every shooting, but Syrians being able to come to America is some sort of imaginary constitutional right. And no amount of bodies can change that. And the promoters of migration never have "blood on their hands."
The big difference between immigration and gun control is motive and means.
A crime has three components. Motive, opportunity, means. Gun control is means-based prevention. It doesn't address the cause of the crime. It just tries to deprive the criminal of the means to commit it. As ISIS has shown in Europe, gun control doesn't work. Islamic terrorists have managed to get hold of guns. When they haven't, they built bombs. When they couldn't do that, they stabbed and ran over people.
Motive-based prevention addresses the source of the problem. Guns don't kill people. Knives don't stab people. Cars don't run over people.
Certain kinds of people do these things. Some of them may never be stopped and tracked. Others however can be. It'll take us a while to know which of these Paddock was. But means-based prevention has never been a serious argument. It's been tried. It doesn't work. People are smart. They find ways around restrictions.
But if we want to talk blood on hands, let's consider why the Edmonton Jihadist, a Somali Muslim refugee, was allowed to stay in Canada. Or why the Boston Marathon bombers, Omar Mateen, Nidal Hasan, were tolerated until it was too late.
That is actual blood on hands. Not in an abstract policy sort of way. But in the real way in which future killers got a pass because they were members of an ideology the left is allied with.
If we want to stop murderers, let's practice motive-based prevention.