The mess in Puerto Rico has nothing to do with Trump not sending enough supplies. The Governor of Puerto Rico (an Obama delegate who cut an ad for Hillary) has made it quite clear that they have plenty of supplies. What they don't have is a way of delivering them.
“The aid is getting to Puerto Rico. The problem is distribution. The federal government has sent us a lot of help; moving those supplies, in particular, fuel, is the issue right now,” says Col. Valle. Until power can be restored, generators are critical for hospitals and shelter facilities and more. But, and it’s a big but, they can’t get the fuel to run the generators.
They have the generators, water, food, medicine, and fuel on the ground, yet the supplies are not moving across the island as quickly as they’re needed.
“It’s a lack of drivers for the transport trucks, the 18 wheelers. Supplies we have. Trucks we have. There are ships full of supplies, backed up in the ports, waiting to have a vehicle to unload into. However, only 20% of the truck drivers show up to work. These are private citizens in Puerto Rico, paid by companies that are contracted by the government,” says Col. Valle.
Put another way, 80% of truck drivers do not show up to work, and yet again, it’s important to understand why.
“There should be zero blame on the drivers. They can’t get to work, the infrastructure is destroyed, they can’t get fuel themselves, and they can’t call us for help because there’s no communication.
It’s a dilemma with dependent conditions. The citizens need fuel and supplies brought in by relief efforts. The truck drivers who move the fuel and supplies from ports and airstrips need fuel and traversable roads—and before anything else they need supplies for their own families.
But you can't get the fuel because there's a curfew.
For his part, Rodriguez argued that government mismanagement that has created so many problems for Puerto Rico is showing itself again as it attempts to deal with the devastation from the hurricane.
“For instance, shortly after the hurricane hit, the government imposed a curfew from 6 pm to 6 am and then changed it,” Rodriguez said. “Now, it’s 7 pm to 5 am, and makes no sense. The curfew has prevented fuel trucks from transporting their loads.
So you can't deliver anything because you don't have drivers. You don't have drivers because there's no fuel. There's no fuel because there are no drivers. And even if there were drivers, there's a curfew preventing anyone from delivering fuel.
But yes, it's all Trump's fault.