How long until it's the first Christian lashed for violating Islamic law in Malmo or Dearborn?
For her crime, violating the tenets of a faith she does not observe, the courts offered two punishments.
Option one: time in a grim jailhouse. Option two: nearly 30 lashes with a cane wielded by a anonymous man, hooded and clad in black robes, as her neighbors watched.
She chose the latter.
Such was the fate of Remita Sinaga, 60, a rare Christian living in Aceh, one of the most stridently Islamic corners of Asia.
Each blow is dealt by an official, robed in dark cloth from head to toe, who humiliates the accused on a public stage. Crowds are invited to jeer and film beatings with their mobile phones.
Sinaga, however, simply bowed her head. Clad in a lavender-colored hood, she stared at her feet as the flogger landed 28 blows on her back.
This is Islam. This is Islamic law. Beneath all the lies and spin, it's this simple. And it's spreading. Just as it spread to Indonesia, it can spread to Europe and America.
ut I'm sure if the mainstream media gets around to covering this in any depth or range, the angle will be "Indonesia Muslims Fear Backlash".