Another reminder that leftist activists with Jewish last names have absolutely no regard for Jews and don't object to anti-Semitism when it comes from their allies on the left.
“If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house.” Al Sharpton
The Crown Heights Pogrom terrorized a Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn. 3 people died. Two of them were murdered. One was a Jewish visitor from Australia named Yankel Rosenbaum. The other was an Italian man mistaken for an Orthodox Jew because of his hat. A Holocaust survivor who saw the racist mob swarming outside committed suicide.
And Al Sharpton got to speak at the Democratic National Convention. Then he got a gig at MSNBC.
As you read this, remember that leftists are not Jews. They're leftists with Jewish last names.
The glowing coverage comes from Dana Milbank at the Washington Post. "What did it take to finally unite Al Sharpton and Jews? Donald Trump."
Let's savor this "modern day miracle" in which a Jew-hating racist and Jew-hating Jews march together.
By "Jews", Dana Milbank means a handful of leftists who have zero regard for Jewish lives. Who would walk over a heap of Jewish corpses for social justice. That's what this disgusting farce is. But leftists invariably claim to speak for everyone.
Miserable human garbage like Dana Milbank and his radical leftist political allies claim to speak for "the Jews". Not the Jews who were beaten in Crown Heights. Not those who were terrorized by racist mobs. But the New York Times reporters and other media types who covered it up and then rallied to get the vote out for Mayor Dinkins.
Call them, the Anti-Jews.
Here's Dana Milbank again...
Sharpton has been a controversial figure in the Jewish community for decades, earning criticism during the Crown Heights riot in 1991 and when he called a Jewish landlord in Harlem a “white interloper” before a deadly attack on the man’s store in 1995.
But that was long ago,
That was long ago. What's a few corpses, not just Jewish ones, but Latino bodies, between pals.
Over twenty years ago, five young Latino women were among the seven victims of a fire. They were in their late teens and early twenties. They were mothers and daughters. One had two young boys at home. She might have been watching them get married today. Another helped support her mother.
Sharpton had vowed, “We will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business”. And he and his National Action Network were true to their word.
Last year, Obama spoke at the National Action Network. But back then, Sharpton’s lieutenant, Morris Powell, headed the Buy Black Committee with the National Action Network and chanted, “Don’t give the Jew a dime” outside Freddy’s Fashion Mart. Other protesters shouted, “Burn, Cracker, burn.”
But that was long ago. Right, Dana. Right, gang. Let's savor this modern day miracle in which a Jew-hating racist and Jew-hating Jews march together.
The civil rights leader, joined by Martin Luther King III, stopped in at a pre-march prayer session held by the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, and addressed the assembly of 300 rabbis, cantors and lay leaders.
This is the same Religious Action Center which made a point of boycotting Trump. Here's what they do embrace.
An NBC film crew that was in Crown Heights to cover the concert captured the jeering, explosion of glass bottles2 and the rioting. The agitation and crowds increased all evening until someone reportedly shouted, “Let’s go to Kingston Avenue and get a Jew!”
A number of black youths set off toward the predominantly Jewish area of Kingston Avenue, half-a-mile westward. All along the way, the mob — that was nearing 400 — vandalized property and heaved rocks and bottles. When they encountered a storefront with a mezuzah they smashed the windows, and when a car was identified as Jewish-owned (usually by a bumper sticker) it was torched.3
Charles Price, megaphone in hand, declared, “We’ve got to kill Jews, they’re killing our kids!” Other racial hucksters echoed via bull horn, “We’re taking back our streets!”
On the third day of disturbances, Al Sharpton and Sonny Carson led a march of protesters chanting, “No Justice, No Peace!,” “Death to the Jews!” and “Whose streets? Our streets!” The mob displayed anti-Semitic signs and burned an Israeli flag.
When any Democrat embraces Sharpton, and every presidential candidate now does, this is the rabid murderous anti-Semitism they endorse. Never forget.
Jewish leaders applauding Al Sharpton? Who knew? “Miracles out of a mess,” proclaimed Reconstructionist Rabbi Malka Binah Klein of Philadelphia.
This is what they support. Never forget.
“On Aug. 21, as I stood in a group of Hasidic men in front of the Lubavitch headquarters, a group of demonstrators were coming down Eastern Parkway. ‘Heil Hitler,’ they chanted. ‘Death to the Jews.’ Police in riot gear stood nearby but did nothing.
“Suddenly rocks and bottles started to fly toward us and a Hasidic man just a few feet away from me was hit in the throat and fell to the ground.
Never forget. This is what the Democrats and their allies, from Dana Milbank to the Religious Action Center, embrace. Never forget.
A cantor led the crowd in the Hebrew song “Hine Ma Tov” — how good it is for brothers to live as one. A black Jewish woman in a tallit — a Jewish prayer shawl — spoke, and a rabbi blew a shofar. A black Catholic nun spoke.
Here's the truth behind this obscene hijacking of Judaism by Jew-hating leftists.
Yankel Rosenbaum wasn't the only person murdered by the rioters. On September 5th, Italian-American Anthony Graziosi, was dragged out of his car, brutally beaten and stabbed to death because his full beard and dark clothing caused him to be mistaken for a Hasidic Jew. During the funeral of Gavin Cato on August 26th, Al Sharpton gave an anti-Semitic eulogy, which fueled the fires of hatred.
“The world will tell us he was killed by accident. Yes, it was a social accident. ... It's an accident to allow an apartheid ambulance service in the middle of Crown Heights. ... Talk about how Oppenheimer in South Africa sends diamonds straight to Tel Aviv and deals with the diamond merchants right here in Crown Heights. The issue is not anti-Semitism; the issue is apartheid. ... All we want to say is what Jesus said: If you offend one of these little ones, you got to pay for it. No compromise, no meetings, no kaffe klatsch, no skinnin' and grinnin'. Pay for your deeds."
Sharpton never did pay. Nor did his leftist Jew-hating supporters who cavort with him.
“God’s majestic creation,” observed Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, head of the Religious Action Center.
Jonah Geffen, a conservative rabbi from New York, in white robe and tallit, liked what he heard. He pronounced Sharpton “a totally different man” from the Sharpton of old.
Joining Sharpton’s march was Jesse Jackson, of “Hymietown” fame.
Of course he was.
This is what the left is. Never forget.
"'What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto Me from the ground." (Bereishis 4:10)