Life comes at you fast.
It wasn't so long ago that the left was insisting that there was only one side to the violence. Now after Berkeley, both sides is looking like a good default.
In a brief interview with IJR Monday morning, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe disavowed violence on “any side” — but refused to directly disavow antifa when asked multiple times.
When the governor was asked if he disavows antifa for its actions at Berkley on Monday night, he said:
“I disavow anyone — we won't tolerate violence of any kind. You’re entitled to protest. First amendment certainly protected. As I've said after Charlottesville, anyone who came to our state, anyone who committed violence, on any side, will be arrested. [...] Everybody’s entitled to do their protest but were not going to accept violence from anybody.”
When asked again if he directly disavows antifa by name, the governor said, “Here’s what I do as governor, I denounce any individual who commits a crime, who commits violence on our citizens. We will get you, and we will arrest you, plain and simple. I don’t care what the group is.”
This wasn't what the narrative sounded like earlier this week. But now this is the narrative. All the violence is bad. Which is true. Violence at protests is bad. But it overlooks the fact that Dems were quite willing to give left-wing violence a pass before it exploded into public conciousness and before videos of it spread everywhere. Now Antifa is slowly becoming a problem instead of a solution.