This was the inevitable next step once Facebook (along with Google) began rolling "Fact Checks" into their system. Fact checking sites are partisan left-wing outlets whose claims have often been disproven. Some, like Snopes, are utterly unprofessional and have no credibility whatsoever. But now we move on to the next step in Facebook's censorship.
Currently, we do not allow advertisers to run ads that link to stories that have been marked false by third-party fact-checking organizations. Now we are taking an additional step. If Pages repeatedly share stories marked as false, these repeat offenders will no longer be allowed to advertise on Facebook.
Now there are actual fake news sites out there. But partisan left-wing fact check sites frequently make false claims about conservative sites.
They spread their own fake news, a typical case in point is their insistence, despite Pershing's own memoirs and contemporary accounts from the New York Times and the Scientific American, that American forces never used pig corpses and blood on Muslim terrorists in the Philipines.
Fact checking sites have falsely marked such stories as false despite extensive documentation from, I repeat, General Pershing's own memoirs.
Fact checking sites can choose to lie. It's a free internet. Or it used to be before Google, Amazon and Facebook took it over. But Facebook is now threatening conservative sites. Either they comply with the left-wing narrative, or they'll be banned from advertising on Facebook.
The next step will be to ban them from Facebook.
Once Google begins taking similar measures, conservative sites will simply disappear from the internet. They won't appear on social media or the search index monopoly that controls 80 percent of search traffic.
This is a serious threat to freedom of speech. It's why the next battle will be to break up the dot com monopolies. And the battle is coming.