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Gov Used an Internet Jihad Recruiter to "Deradicalize" Muslims


And you'll never guess what happened next...

Though 9 out of 10 Point readers have already guessed. Which puts you above the average government official. 

Government officials are always surprised when the absolutely inevitable happens.

A believed to be de-radicalized man spread propaganda for the jihad while working with young people in Amsterdam's radicalization and polarization department, the Telegraaf reports based on sources.

According to the Telegraaf, Bilal L. was convicted for preparing for a terrorist attack as a member of the Hofstad group. After serving his sentence, Amsterdam hired him as a youth worker who knew everything about radicalization and could spot and keep young people off the jihad-road.... Instead of preventing radicalization, however, he spoke well of it, according to the newspaper.

Well who could have seen that coming?

Fighting "radicalization" is a pipe dream. And those pushing it have no idea what is involved because they remain in denial of what Islam actually teaches. And how that intersects with terrorism. Instead they treat terrorism as some sort of gang that can be combated with more opportunity and the local equivalent of midnight basketball. 

It doesn't work of course. 

The Hofstad Network is best known for the murder of Theo Van Gogh. But the Jihadists had much bigger plans. Bilal L is presumably Bilal Lamrani. 

To understand what a terrible idea that is, consider this. Bilal Lamrani was recruiting for Jihad on the internet before every ISIS troll was doing it. We're talking about back in '05. Back then Lamrani was writing up death threats to Geert Wilders, Hirsi Ali, Van Gogh, etc...

Just how dangerous was Lamrani? Here's a sample.

Prison guards and other prisoners soon noticed that Barkour and Lamrani talked almost every day. What they were discussing remains unclear. But it is doubtful that they were simply making casual conversation, as Lamrani lamely contended in court. Why doubtful? Because Lamrani, like Bouyeri and some other members of the Hofstadgroup, tried to make new converts to radical Islam immediately after arriving in prison. For instance, he told fellow prisoners he wanted to blow himself up in a crowd. Another prisoner heard him say he was prepared to stage a terrorist attack every day. Still others overheard Lamrani musing about killing Geert Wilders.

​This was the Jihadist that the authorities decided should be hanging around vulnerable types and "deradicilizing" them. CVE. 



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