This is Robert Lee.
ESPN, and its offering of Social Justice Sports all the time, was worried that lefties might be offended by his name. Or that they might confuse him with General Lee.
ESPN confirmed Tuesday night that it had decided to pull an announcer from calling a University of Virginia football game because his name is Robert Lee. This Robert Lee is Asian.
“We collectively made the decision with Robert to switch games as the tragic events in Charlottesville were unfolding, simply because of the coincidence of his name. In that moment it felt right to all parties,” reads the ESPN statement posted at t he popular Fox Sports college-football blog Outkick the Coverage.
I like the "collectively" part. Because that makes it so much better.
In one of those great ironies that totalitarian movements like the left seem to excel at, ESPN engaged in discrimination to prevent some sort of vague abstract "triggering" of "marginalized peoples".
Also now every Asian man named Robert just became offensive. Maybe there should be a law passed forcing everyone named Robert Lee to change their name. For social justice.
“It’s a shame that this is even a topic of conversation and we regret that who calls play by play for a football game has become an issue,” ESPN said in its statement.
The only shame here belongs to ESPN which has utterly lost its mind.