Conservative columnist Katie Pavlich wrote an editorial titled, "Bernie Sanders and his leeches".
It discussed Bernie's own lifestyle sponging off taxpayers and the greed of his supporters who want to take money out of other people's pockets to subsidize their lifestyle. In response the cynical supporters of the Sanders campaign began accusing her of anti-Semitism for using the word "leech".
Now the Sanders campaign is, despite the ethnic background of its candidate, anti-Semitic. Just now Bernie Sanders got into trouble for standing up Jews in New York to pal around with Evo Morales, a friend of Ahmadinejad who had been blamed for escalating anti-Semitic violence against Jews.
When he was hit with a rant about "Zionist Jews" controlling Wall Street, Bernie Sanders responded by criticizing Israel. His campaign had no Jewish outreach and then appointed a rabid hater of Israel to handle Jewish Outreach until she had to resign over her past attacks on the Jewish state.
Bernie Sanders and his anti-Semitic campaign gave up the right to talk about anti-Semitism a while back. And the term leech is wholly and totally applicable to him.
The fact check on this one is easy.
Sanders took his first bride to live in a maple sugar shack with a dirt floor, and she soon left him. Penniless, he went on unemployment. Then he had a child out of wedlock. Desperate, he tried carpentry but could barely sink a nail
"He explained the origin of the money Sanders used to buy the Middlesex land and the carpentry he did on the sugar shack. He said Sanders received unemployment, “for a few months,” in 1971, though Sanders can’t remember what the job was that qualified him for the benefits."
In subsequent Liberty Union campaigns he advocated for “the doing away with all time limitations for unemployment benefits.”
These days though Sanders is flying around on a chartered jet with a menu of lobster sliders, lamb loin, fine cheeses and whine wine. At the expense of his gullible supporters. To meet with anti-Semites.
I'm sorry but this is the dictionary definition of a leech. And a thoroughly despicable human being.
David Sirota, a senior editor at International Business Times, and a former Sanders employee, has begun trying to push the claim that Pavlich's title is anti-Semitic. "Echoing Nazi propaganda, Fox News host calls first major Jewish presidential candidate a "leech"
Sorry, no. The more accurate headline would be... "Echoing Nazi propaganda, Desperate supporter of Anti-Semitic campaign launches hopeless smear".
The Nazis did refer to Jews as leeches and a hundred other derogatory terms. But the majority of Jews are not voting for Bernie Sanders. His leeches are mostly non-Jewish. They are a beautiful multicultural tapestry of leeches encompassing every culture, race and religion.
And most of them, like Bernie Sanders, hate Jews and Israel.