A functioning society requires a middle ground. There has to be someplace where different sides can meet and negotiate their differences. Extremism happens when one or both sides eliminate that middle ground. And then all that's left is a brutal fight for power.
The left is up on its high horse after the latest violence. But it's the Democrats who allowed themselves to be taken over by the left. The extremism boosted Black Nationalist racist groups which were quickly mainstreamed.
Democrats demand that Republicans condemn Neo-Nazis. And certainly everyone should make their disgust clear. But Democrats have publicly endorsed Black Lives Matter. And Black Nationalists are just another racist hate group. Who operate with the support of the Democrats.
The Confederate memorial crisis was an utterly unnecessary confrontation pushed by Black Nationalists and exploited by Neo-Nazis.
After the Civil War, Americans achieved a modus vivendi. The Union was preserved, but the South was allowed to honor its dead and its leaders. The campaign against Confederate memorials was the best possible present that the Neo-Nazis of the Alt-Right could have received. And so both sets of extremists fed on each other. That's how it works. And the blame goes to the left which lit the spark.
For all the self-righteousness in the media, it was the media which recently glorified the leftist street violence of Antifa, which glamorizes and promotes Black Lives Matter, which pushes narratives and agendas that promote extremism on both sides. There are consequences to that. And we're seeing some of them now.
If the left wants a functioning society with a middle ground, then it must restrain its extremists. If it wants to unleash its extremists and then decry the violence, it's the source of the problem.