Pro-crime policies work. They increase crime. Which is why pro-crime policies aren't right. They're always wrong.
But even with Holder and Lynch out, and Sessions in, the pro-crime revolution may no longer have Federal backing, but it's still deeply embedded in states. And it has a lot of left-wing and some libertarian money behind it. And the results of this political terror are horrifying.
Here's a brief and devastating look at California. And remember the end results next time someone pitches you some "sentencing reform" for "non-violent offenders".
More than 3,700 inmates have had their sentences reduced and been released from state prison. Drug addicts now often escape punishment for crimes they commonly commit to support their habits: shoplifting, writing bad checks and any thefts under $950 — even of guns....
Let's say someone snatches a purse from your hand without knocking you over or using much force. That's called "grand theft person." Before Proposition 47, it was a "wobbler:" a crime that could be classified as either a felony or a misdemeanor. To decide which to charge, prosecutors would study the defendant's record. If, for example, he had a prior robbery, the prosecutor would probably go for a felony conviction. But now, unless your purse cost more than $950, the theft can be only a misdemeanor, meaning state prison is not possible as a punishment and deterrent...
In the city of Los Angeles, property crimes such as burglaries and motor vehicle thefts have risen 10.9% compared with the same period last year. Violent crime, such as aggravated assaults and robberies, has soared 20.6%. Mayor Eric Garcetti told The Times those increases may be linked to Proposition 47.
It's actually a neat reverse validation of broken windows policing. Instead of reducing big crimes by reducing smaller ones, they're boosting big crimes by increasing smaller ones.
To make things even worse, the social engineers in the Legislature also passed a law in 2014 that reduced the maximum misdemeanor sentence from 365 days to 364 days. Under federal immigration law, a noncitizen who is convicted of an offense punishable by 365 days or more can be deported. With many felonies now reduced to 364-day misdemeanors, some criminals who otherwise would have been deported get to stay.
Well we must protect California's Democrat illegal alien felon voters. They are the party's base.
And, for the party that really loves and cares about women, and wants to fight rape...
Proposition 47 took away a tool to fight sex crimes when it reduced the penalty for possession of dangerous date-rape drugs to a misdemeanor.
Thousands fewer DNA samples are being taken from suspects every month because state law permits police to collect DNA only from felony suspects. It follows that it will be much harder, if not impossible, to solve old cases such as murder and rape.
That's the party of Bob Filner and Ed Murray showing how deeply it cares about preventing sexual assault.