Warmunists do rather obsess over killing everyone who disagrees with them. Take these ads from the UK (warning: graphic murderously progressive content.)
Kids show host and failed standup comedian Bill Nye is what liberal millenials think of when they think of science. And what they think of is a failed comedian who wanted to be in NASA, but was too lazy to get a PhD.
Every few years Nye fills out the astronaut application and goes in for his astronaut physical. And every few years he is rejected. His degree in mechanical engineering from Cornell University isn't enough. Nye says he needs a Ph.D. to be an astronaut.
"Physically, athletically and as project man, a solver of mechanical problems, a tinkerer, I am as good as anybody," he says. "I'd love to get a Ph.D in applied physics or fluid mechanics, but that's a seven- or eight-year commitment."
Being an astronaut would help him change the world, he says. He considers changing the world to be a lifelong goal.
This is a joke.
And this is the joke who blames every natural disaster on Global Warming. Also he's clueless about the most elementary facts.
At 8 min. 30 seconds in, Nye holds up a picture of Arctic and asks: 'Would you say that the Antarctic has less ice than it used to?'
Climate Depot's Answer: NO! See: Antarctic Sea Ice Extent is on track to have highest minimum in modern satellite era! – ‘Sea Ice Extent is 27.4% above normal as of Feb 7 2014′
Er, Bill, that graphic you’re holding up is one of the Arctic, and not the Antarctic. Nye doesn’t even know north from south!
He doesn't need to know. But he does know that everyone who disagrees with his dogma is evil and must die.
Climate change deniers, by way of example, are older. It’s generational. So we’re just going to have to wait for those people to “age out,” as they say. “Age out” is a euphemism for “die.” But it’ll happen, I guarantee you — that’ll happen.
Finally, Bill Nye gets some science right. Older people will indeed die. This includes him. So will everyone else.
What Bill Nye, like most leftist fans of the "Wait for the old conservatives to die" theory misses is that younger people become conservative as they grow older. And unless he would like a world in which everyone has to die before they turn 40, that means that the supply of older conservatives will not be diminishing.
But Bill Nye is ignorant and like most lefties only knows one thing, that his ideological enemies must die.