Conservatives don't tend to protest. Until the Tea Party took off, only subsets such as pro-life, anti-Islamist or pro-Israel activists, were likely to be conducting active protests.
So it's a little understandable that the key talking point of the conservative commentariat, the one that its members keep tweeting at each other in a self-congratulatory circle, in response to the Trump Caesar protest is that conservatives don't act like that.
Protesting is something the left does.
Historically that's nonsense. But it's an understandable fallacy in the commentariat echo chamber which seems primarily concerned with its credibility in making an argument about its right to speak on campus to a left that couldn't care less about its credibility.
Yes, protesting is something conservatives do.
It's probably not something that the average Never Trump commentator has done. I have. It's a lot of fun. You get out in the fresh air and actually make an impact.
The left did not invent protesting. It's accessible to everyone. You don't have to be on the left to protest.
The bizarre commentariat articles, posts and tweets which act as if protesting is an innately left-wing tactic reveal how airtight their echo chamber is.
Protests don't have to be deliberately disruptive. But a deliberately disruptive protest, like the Caesar Trump one, is not exclusive to the left either. The left just happens to have more people who are willing to dive in and do it.
A disruptive protest is a calculated risk on a number of levels. It shouldn't be a default. But civil disobedience is an option. And it's not a purely left-wing option.
There's plenty of room to discuss whether a disruptive protest is a good tactic at any given time. But dismissing it as a purely left-wing tactic is not a serious argument.
Most of the other condemnations of Laura Loomer's protest come down to some variation of, "It makes conservatives look bad".
Yes, doing anything can make you look bad. Any activism leads to a backlash and a reaction. The truly safe thing is to tweet sarcastically about it to the people you know will agree with you. Once you get out there and do something, there are risks.
And there are also rewards.