The world's most cynical profession is at it again.
CNN chief Jeff Zucker says the level of threats faced by his journalists is more serious than people realize and he lays the blame squarely at the feet of President Donald Trump and other politicians he says try to delegitimize the press.
“This is what happens when you try to delegitimize an institution that is trying to do its job,” Zucker said on Thursday. “It is shameful on the part of the administration and other politicians to cause a frenzy against something that is guaranteed in the Constitution of the United States. It does a disservice to this country and its position in the world and allows a heightened sense of rhetoric against journalists and media organizations.”
1. Zucker got his start on the Today show. He headed entertainment for NBC. He has zero connections to journalism. His big idea for CNN was infotainment.
2. CNN and the rest of the media have been obsessively trying to delegitimize the 2nd amendment and those parts of the 1st amendment that they don't like, most notably Freedom of Religion, while working to censor supposed "fake news" on social media.
3. The Constitution protects a free press. There's nothing free about a series of media monopolies pushing a single agenda and trying to suppress any different points of view while trying to overthrow the results of a democratic election.
If Zucker had any sense of shame, he would be ashamed. But the media has no shame. Just arrogance, anger and greed.