Of course it is.
James Hodgkinson, the left-wing "Resistance" terrorist who attacked a Republican charity baseball practice game, was a product of the left's hate machine. He was a Bernie supporter and apparently volunteer. He feverishly quoted Robert Reich, reposted Occupy Democrats memes, cheered on Elizabeth Warren and his favorite TV show, you guessed it.
MSNBC's Maddow.
"The best book I’ve read in a while is “Aftershock” by Robert B. Reich. He explains that the lowering of taxes on the richest Americans was a major cause of the Great Depression. He also states that it is a major cause of the Great Recession, which started in 2007," Hodgkinson wrote in one of his letters to the editor.
Variations of this conspiracy theory resurfaced throughout his social media. Unlike some lefties, it appears likely that his own grievances had been directed that way.
Reich is a fellow at the Sanders Institute. That's Bernie Sanders.
"One of my favorite TV shows is “The Rachel Maddow Show” on MSNBC. On a recent show she stated that 17 very rich men are supplying the Republican Party with more than 60 percent of their campaign contributions."
Again, the same old Marxist conspiracy theories.These were the thread that ran through his grievances aimed at Republicans.
"If the rich paid their fair share of taxes today, we wouldn’t be in this predicament. We need to vote all Republicans out of Congress."
"This recession was started years ago when congressmen found out they could make money by accepting money from the super rich in the form of donations, by simply changing the tax laws and putting more of the burden on the working man."
The Marxist propaganda that permeates the left which has in turn hijacked the Dems led directly to the shooting.