Obama chose to ignore immigration laws, to punish those who tried to enforce them and eventually even to unilaterally implement amnesty for illegal aliens with the general complicity of the courts. President Trump is being prevented from enforcing the traditional executive authority over immigration.
These are not legal rulings. The only metric here is that if it can be shown that anyone, anywhere might be hurt by immigration enforcement, then it can be halted.
That is what keeps happening. Even the neutered travel pause ran into the same activist judicial coup. As I predicted.
Yes, the next step is the Supreme Court. And maybe the Court will do the right thing. Maybe not. But either way, the battle won't be over.
And what's at stake here is not just national security, it's executive authority. It's the question of whether we are ruled by unelected leftists in judicial positions or whether the people rule themselves.
Despite the media's propaganda, the public supports a travel pause. It's common sense. The elites don't.
The President needs to restore his authority. Going through the process won't do that. The court rulings are inherently unconstitutional. They violate the limits of judicial and executive authority. They engage in double standards. They ignore the law and replace it with their own dislike of Trump and his policies.
Illegal rulings must be ignored. Battling them only gives them credibility. If the elites want to operate outside the law, the President ought to ignore their demands and commands.