In a FOX News interview, Obama described failing to plan for the aftermath of Libya as his worst mistake in office. Now failing to plan for the aftermath of overthrowing a government isn't really a mistake you can make. Even an administration as incompetent as that one did have a plan. The plan, as in Egypt and Tunisia and elsewhere was "moderate Islamists". And that's spelled Muslim Brotherhood.
It was a bad plan. And the plan only got worse as the political Islamists turned out to be the heavily armed kind after all. And then ISIS showed up.
But Libya isn't Obama's worst mistake. Iraq is. ISIS is throwing lots of parties in Libya, but it's Obama's Iraq policy that gave it a huge footprint and divided Syria and Iraq between Shiite and Sunni terrorists.
Obama signed off on Libya, but it was Hillary's plan. And she pushed it through aggressively. Obama was never enthusiastic about it because it involved military intervention.
He signed off on it. He lied about it to the American people. And he gave the order. The final responsibility unquestionably rests with him. But there's also little question that this was Hillary's little project.
If Obama needs to look around for worst mistakes internationally, he can take a look at Iraq. And for that matter Afghanistan isn't too far off either. But the biggest mistake is still the Arab Spring.
Except like Libya, it wasn't a mistake. It was a plan that spun out of control.