If you were at all paying attention to the madness of the progsphere, you know that the left was obsessed with a special election in Kansas. The election was supposed to be a mandate on ObamaCare. The left poured money and people into the election. And lost.
Now they're celebrating that it was a "close" defeat. By that they mean that they lost 53 to 46.
And there are a ton of media thinkpieces drawing "conclusions" and "lessons" from that victory they almost had. But didn't.
These delusions miss one rather important point. This was a special election. The turnout was drastically lower. Democrats just got more of their people to turn out. But still far less than the number of Dems who showed up to vote for the guy who lost to Mike Pompeo last year.
Republicans didn't bother turning out because the election was a non-event. At least until the GOP got nervous because of the media hype. Meanwhile Dems are celebrating a defeat in a special election as proof that their consultant class specializes in gaslighting their own people.
And the Sanders people are very predictably blaming the Dems for not providing them with enough money and support to win the district. So like everything else, their latest loss becomes grist for the revolutionary mill.