Trump's travel ban is a propaganda gift for jihadists - CNN
Let's for a moment overlook the fact that Jihadist propaganda is baked into Islamic scripture or that the thrust of it has less to do with what we do than the promise of an Islamic State, a Caliphate uniting the Ummah under the purest Sharia law. The sort of thing that ISIS attempted, but failed to accomplish.
Or that conspiracy theories proliferate so thoroughly in the Muslim world that any sort of false claim quickly becomes Jihadist propaganda because there are few error checking mechanisms in the culture.
Let's take the claim as valid.
What's worse, Jihadist propaganda or terror?
When we take out a terrorist, as lefties tell us, we make him a martyr. He becomes fodder for Jihadist propaganda. Yet we calculate that the propaganda effect of a dead terrorist will be less than the threat of a live one.
A travel ban calculates that the danger from terrorists will be diminished if we don't allow them into America. It's a rational assessment that we will have to worry less about terrorist propaganda if we keep them out of the country.
The left insists that we ought to worry more about what terrorists think of us than whether they can hurt us.
But a rational response is to worry more about whether terrorists can hurt us than what they think of us.