So you lost the white working class badly? You've been shut out of every branch of national government and your statewide showings are miserable.
What are you gonna do now? Hate white people!
I can't think of a problem that hasn't been solved by racism. Surely the Democrats can only improve their showing with the white working class by hating white people even more. Forward!
If the Democratic Party is planning to move away from identity politics in the wake of its presidential election defeat, that memo didn’t reach some of the candidates running for Democratic National Committee chair.
“I’m a white woman, I don’t get it,” Sally Boynton Brown, Idaho Democratic Party executive director, told an applauding crowd at the Democracy in Color forum in Washington, D.C.
The forum, hosted by MSNBC, included favorite Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn.; former Labor Secretary Tom Perez; Democratic strategist and Fox News contributor Jehmu Greene; South Bend, Ind. Mayor Pete Buttigieg; New Hampshire Party Chairman Ray Buckley; and South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Jaime Harrison -- all seeking to take over the top DNC post.
Boynton Brown took it a step further and said her role as a white person includes shutting other white people down.
“My job is to listen and be a voice, and my job is to shut other white people down when they want to interrupt. My job is to shut other white people down when they want to say ‘Oh no I’m not prejudiced, I’m a Democrat, I’m accepting,'” she said.
“My job is to make sure that they get that they have privilege and until we shut our mouths and we listen to those people who don’t and we lift out people up so that we all have equity in this country … we’re not going to break through this,” she said.
“This is not just rhetoric,” Boynton Brown said. “This is a matter of life and death.”
Boynton Brown also took a shot at her home state for its lack of diversity.
“I’m from Idaho, we are so white, so white, right? I have been reaching out and trying to connect to anybody of color I can find to be honest with me,” she said.
“I need schoolin’ ... And I depend on you … to do that so I can go school the other white people.”
Sally Boynton Brown is sad, pathetic and repulsive. White liberals who laugh at Uncle Ruckus can't wait to become white versions of him.
Not to mention a hypocrite.
If she really thinks white people should shut up, why not step back and give the job to former Nation of Islam racist, Keith X. Ellison (I think there was also a Muhammad in there somewhere). Or Tom Perez and Jehmu Greene. Instead Sally Boynton Brown is competing against people of color, instead of shutting up and sitting in the back of the bus, while promising to silence other white people.
"White leaders in our party have failed. We have to accept that there is prejudice that exists within our own party," Brown said.
Isn't Sally white? Hasn't she failed?
She could play off the disastrous election in which the Democrats lost the white working class. But instead she wants to help the DNC win by going even further to the radical left while alienating more white voters. It's a great plan for an even more disastrous defeat. How well does her rhetoric play in Idaho?
Hillary got 27% of the vote in Idaho. That's down from 32% for Obama in '12 and 36% in '08. That almost ties with Jimmy Carter in '76. (Carter did a little better.) LBJ actually won Idaho. But under Sally's brilliant hectoring about how racist white people in a mostly white state, I'm sure that Elizabeth Warren will pull in a good 3%.