Team America World Police happened in real life as Alec Baldwin, Robert DeNiro and Michael Moore addressed an anti-Trump rally. Matt Damon is apparently in Davos and couldn't make it. Sean Penn is getting all the wrong attention for the El Chapo extradition. So we won't have quite the full reunion. But the scene is absurd enough.
De Niro was the first celebrity speaker to take the stage at the rally, which included thousands of attendees stretching across at least five blocks. The actor read mean tweets about the president-elect, adding that he thinks Donald Trump is "a bad example of this country and this city."
This makes fun of itself. I have nothing to add. Except that everyone is still waiting for the next Fockers movie so De Niro can lose the last dregs of his dignity.
Baldwin appeared to speak and insert a few Trump impressions along the way, commenting on Trump and his cabinet picks. "These people are a disgrace, but there is hope," said the actor. "Trump and Pence think you're going to lay down. That's one thing about New Yorkers: You don't lay down."
Doesn't Worthless know how this is going to end?
Sharpton hyped the crowd after Baldwin's speech. "This is Donald Trump's hometown, but the hometown folk do not behave like Donald Trump," he said. "America is already great, and we will make it even greater!"
Resist we much and much we will.
Sally Field, talking about the labor movement, told the crowd: "I am a proud union member and have been for 52 years."
She's just an ordinary union millionaire. And she hopes you really like her.
Ruffalo offered a hopeful note: "Man, I needed this. Did you need this?" he said to big cheers from the rally. "We're coming here tonight to protect something precious to us, and that's each other."
What wit and insight. Ruffalo is always the brains of the celebrity crowd. He can substitute for Matt Damon.
Cynthia Nixon offered a message to the LGBTQ community: "We are not going back ... we are here, we are queer and we have no fear!" She added to the Muslims, Mexicans and "straight while males" in the audience: "The LGBT community has got your back."
And the Muslim community has the LGBT community's head.