One of the more bizarre liberal convictions is that if terror victims have guns, it makes for a more dangerous situation than just the terrorist being able to kill everyone in sight. Here's another reminder of what a difference a good guy with a gun can make.
When a Muslim terrorist, reportedly affiliated with ISIS, carried out a Car Jihad attack with his truck in Israel, it only went so far until the shooting began.
Tour Guide Ethan Rond was guiding a group of IDF cadets from IDF Base 1 officer's training program when a terrorist rammed into the soldiers with a truck.
Rond said that he saw the truck drive in reverse and then forward after it initially rammed the soldiers in order to maximize casualties.
He told Army Radio: "I saw a truck heading for us at very high speed. It knocked me down and I rolled over several times on the grass. [At first] I thought it was an accident."
"I started to realize what was happening when the truck went into reverse [in order to drive forward again and hit more people]. I realized it was not an accident. I checked that I still had my gun on me and began to shoot [at the driver]."
Being able to defend yourself makes a great deal of difference. It saves lives and stops terrorists.