Various anti-Jewish hate groups, including If Not Now, have tried to camouflage their protests against the Jewish State and Trump as somehow being "Jewish". Now actual Jewish activists are organizing a rally to expose them and to take back the narrative. (via Dan Friedman)
Join Us on Dec. 14, 4-6pm for An Early Hanukkah Party outside the Trump International Hotel at 1100 Pennsylvania Ave
The anti-Semitic and anti-Israel group IF Not Now will be demonstrating against a joint Hanukkah party co-sponsored by the Embassy of Azerbaijan and the conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations to be held at the Trump International Hotel in DC.. Several left wing Jewish organizations who are members of the Conference of Presidents, like HIAS, Americans for Peace Now, and the Workmen’s Circle as well as leaders of the Reform movement, are boycotting the party because it is being held in a Trump owned property and because they are opposed to Trump as president.
We want Trump supporters to be there to let the world know that there are Jews who are offended by boycotts against the president elect’s businesses and that there are Jews who are extremely happy that Trump has been elected. We love the symbolism of a Muslim country who has good and open relations with Israel asking the Conference of Presidents to co-sponsor a Hanukkah party in our nation’s capital.
Join us! Outside 1100 Pennsylvania Ave in front of the Trump International Hotel.
Bring signs that say : Jews for Trump
Please let us know if you plan to attend.
Contact: Carol Greenwald, Jews Choose