"We're polarized. It's the fault of the right!"
That's the familiar narrative of the left. Polarization, like tribal impulses, is the exclusive preserve of the right. While the left are noble heroes who patiently offer every possible compromise (on doing what they want to get done anyway) before doing what they want to do regardless of the law or any national consensus.
Here's Obama complaining about the GOP and global warming.
"That marked a decisive change from previous political eras, he maintained. “Ideally, in a democracy, everybody would agree that climate change is the consequence of man-made behavior, because that’s what ninety-nine per cent of scientists tell us,” he said. “And then we would have a debate about how to fix it."
By debate, Obama means there would be discussions whether to imposes taxes and fines for the Big Green Lobby through the government directly or through various market mechanisms. Think of it as the carbon equivalent of ObamaCare.
And of course the market would lose because didn't the free market cause the problem to begin with?
Obama is complaining that conservatives don't accept his facts. Why would they? The left continues to politicize science, just as it has countless other fields, and then complains when its products are treated as tainted. Of course they are. To politicize a field is to taint it. The left vocally objects to the very notion of objectivity and then pretends to be disgusted that the right doesn't believe it's objective.
Democracy isn't people agreeing with Obama, but differing on exactly how to implement his plans. Science isn't just Marxism with a gloss of surveys, statistics and terminology.