The average person may oppose the left, but he fails to grasp how extreme its agenda is. Every new insane policy is treated as an extreme. It's not an extreme. The extreme is inconceivable. It can only be gathered from histories of successful leftist regimes like Stalin's Soviet Union. What we think of as an extreme is just the next step on the ladder that the left is building.
A group of researchers in Oxford University, England have suggested that imposing a massive tax on carbon intensive foods – specifically protein rich foods like meat and dairy – could help combat climate change.
The study, conducted by a team of researchers from the Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Food at the University of Oxford and the International Food Policy Research Institute in Washington DC, is the first global analysis to estimate the impacts that levying emissions prices on food could have on greenhouse gas emissions and human health.
Much of the emissions reduction would stem from higher prices and lower consumption of animal products, as their emissions are particularly high. The researchers found that beef would have to be 40% more expensive globally to pay for the climate damage caused by its production. The price of milk and other meats would need to increase by up to 20%, and the price of vegetable oils would also increase significantly. The researchers estimate that such price increases would result in around 10% lower consumption of food items that are high in emissions. “If you’d have to pay 40% more for your steak, you might choose to have it once a week instead of twice,” said Dr Springmann.
Let them eat kale.
Under this scheme, steak would be the exclusive preserve of elites, like Oxford climate researchers, instead of the working class. It would seem that the elites in the UK and D.C. have not grasped the message of Brexit or Trump's victory. Instead of studying icebergs, they might want to contemplate what will happen when the people finally grow tired of the entire infrastructure of left-wing totalitarianism.
In the best case scenario, there will be quite a few climate researchers stuck on ice floes writing papers on how a utopian society can reduce its carbon footprint by letting them back in.