It's the day after.
That means it's the day that journalists with degrees in gender justice and gay liberation history from Amherst discover to their shock, from Wikipedia articles, that America is actually known as the United States because it's a union of states. And there's an electoral college. And the popular vote doesn't matter.
So let's abolish the racist electoral college!
Old media properties that got turned into social justice blogs, the New Republic and Time Mag, led the charge.
How the Terrible, Skewed, Anachronistic Electoral College Gave Us Trump - New Republic
Once again, a Democrat has won the popular vote but lost the election. It is time to throw out this badly outdated institution.
Once upon a time the New Republic was subtle. But now it's just vulgar and stupid. Which is why a "Democrat" is in the subheader as a statement of naked self-interest.
This attack on the Constitution was inspired by Akhil Reed Amar who insists that the electoral college is racist. Of course it is. Anything that stops a lefty from winning is racist. Also probably sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic and speciest.
"If Clinton wins popular vote, expect calls to kill Electoral College", USA Today warns.
Probably the most cynical exponent of the attack is Jonathan Chait over at New York Magazine who insists that Trump didn't really win the election... because of the electoral college.
Trump’s election cannot be called a decision by the voters to repudiate the liberal status quo because, for one thing, it was not a decision by the voters at all. The voters supported Clinton over Trump. The decision was made by the Electoral College, which as a matter of opinion can be called archaic, and as a matter of objective fact can be called anti-democratic."
I suppose if you don't quite grasp the "Republic" part. Or that contending that anything short of total direct elections is anti-Democratic makes you an ignorant media buffoon.